Disclosure based on the Specific Commercial Transactions Act

Name of person responsible for sales N2B
For the name of the seller, please request disclosure by contacting the email address provided below.
Person responsible for sales Hiroki Toyokawa
Address Tokyo
For the address, please request disclosure by contacting the email address provided below.
Telephone number Please request disclosure by contacting the email address provided below.
Email address [email protected]
Payment method Credit card
Sales price (consideration for services) 5 USD per month (including tax)
Delivery time of goods Available for use immediately after registration.
Other necessary charges besides the product None
Returns and cancellations Due to the nature of the service, we do not accept returns or cancellations.
Mid-contract cancellation If you wish to cancel a subscription, please go to the Stripe customer portal from the management screen and cancel the contract. Even for a trial period, the contract will automatically start when the trial ends, so you need to cancel it yourself. If there is still remaining contract period after cancellation, you can continue to use the service during that period. In the case of cancellation in the middle of the month, the full monthly charge will be incurred, and no refunds including pro-rated settlement will be made.